Focused on the Doc.This week has been dedicated to as in the previous post, ‘getting better’. I’ve spent almost every night after coming home from work on...
Flexibility and readjusting is the key.ISSUE #11 It takes a lot of coordination to get the team together for meetings and filming. But when we do, the creative juices flow. I...
Staying InspiredWhile waiting for the wood, parts, tools, and ‘all of the above’, as sad as it is to say, I lost some momentum because of the weather. ...
Looking FowardIt’s been slow week on the guitar build. I don’t have all the tools necessary to complete binding the guitar. Made the order last week...
Same Page.I closed the guitar body this week. While filming, Jonard asked, “what does this step mean to you, how does it make you feel? I...
Team EffortThe concert I’m preparing for is not just for me. I’ll be the primary performer, the organizer, and the one choosing rep and putting it...
Take your time. Think. Reflect.I had a dream earlier this week about bracing the top and back. When I woke up from my dream, I got excited to realize I actually had to...
Burn Out.As the title suggests, I’ve burnt out. My body shut down at the end of the week with a cold. The body and brain are tired from this...
What ever will be, will be.Being in control, being calculative, achieving perfection – can be overwhelming and tiring. I’m almost two weeks behind schedule and I...
Is it St. Patrick's Day?I’m one week behind and pushing through to get back on track. This week, Jonard and I had a scheduling session to organize our thoughts...