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Overwhelming work.
Like Cliff, it has been quite some time since I wrote a blog. Reasons are the same; an overwhelming amount of work, priorities 2.5 months...

Bella Performance
It’s been 3 weeks since my last post. Christmas season, Luminous Voices Concert, Sinus Infection, Antibiotics… No doubt there are...

Now that Amante Duo has played its last gig before the holidays, I had a chance to take the family to Cliff and Sally’s place to work on...

Bigger than me.
I just spend the last 2 weeks really honed in on Altra Volta. It was our 20th anniversary concert and it simply required all of our...

Sacrifice. The challenge is real.
This past Saturday, I found myself staying up until 3:30am in the morning working on the Violetta Parra piece called “Gracias a la vida”....
Something about urgency.
I think it’s human nature to procrastinate. I don’t think it’s just me. But I remember in my university days, I always felt I got the...
Recalibrating doesn't stop.
It’s cliché to say this, you know how they say success or goal accomplishment is never linear? Well in practice, and while you’re...

Not alone.
We had a shoot last night. We needed to complete some overdue interviews for the documentary. It’s also a good time to get together...

Relaxed Concentration.
I have 5 months left… That might seem like a lot of time to people in terms of preparing for a concert but based on the learning gap and...

Vlog Update
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