Over the course of this journey, we've had the honour of connecting with many who have been inspired by our project and are seeking a way to forge their own creative paths and tell their own stories. As we approach the GuitarBorn Project Showcase on May 5th, 2019, we feel driven to give back to YOU, the supportive community of people who continue to inspire us.
Beginning April 5, 2019 - April 29, 2019 we invite you to submit a short, 1-minute video describing the following 3 points:
What your 9-5/job/career/every day looks like. What does your community see you as? An engineer? A stay at home parent?
What you have pushed aside & now feel inspired to pick-up again. Is it the piano? Woodwork? A health journey?
What will you use the prize money for? It can go towards anything from purchasing a musical instrument, a design course, dance instruction, cooking class, whatever it is...we want to hear about it!

CASH PRIZES* will be awarded to THREE micro-documentary stories following the GuitarBorn Project Showcase concert on May 5th, 2019.
cash prizes
THIRD $200
FIRST $1000
* Our 3 winners will also have their videos featured during the GuitarBorn Project Showcase on May 5th, 2019.
This was all shot and edited from an iPhone using the iMovie app. Your video does not need to be this complex; we wanted to show you what could be done on a mobile device with minimal-to-no shooting/editing experience!
Step 1: shoot short interview
Step 2: shoot b-roll (non interview/everyday life)
Step 3: edit interview into 1 minute using iMovie
Step 4: use some b-roll to cover interview and cuts
Step 5: add music and words on screen as needed
Step 6: post online (eg. YouTube) and send us the link
Please email us if you are having any issues with our submission form, or have any questions about filming your micro-doc.
We want to make the video production process as EASY as possible for you. You're welcome (encouraged!) to shoot and edit your video with your mobile device if that's what works for you; keep things as simple or as fancy as you'd like. Videos will be viewed for their STORY, not for their production value.
​Must fall into the "documentary" category; meaning a nonfiction story intended to document reality.
Videos must either be in English or be able to be subtitled or versioned into English.
Videos must be submitted by 12pm MST on April 29, 2019.
We will post your video entry to our FB and IG accounts, feature it on our community webpage, and store it on our YouTube account for easy sharing.
Winners will be announced on May 1st, 2019 and will be awarded based on:
Online Engagement through social media
Selection Committee

We would LOVE to see you:
Share GBP, the contest, our posts your video submission (all the things!) on your various social media platforms; i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Tag us in your posts so we can help support you and cheer you on!
contest rules, terms and conditions
The GuitarBorn Project Micro-Documentary Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or Facebook.
Contest runs from April 5, 2019 until 12pm MST on April 29, 2019.
Participants must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of Canada.
Submissions are to be made:
Video Submission Guidelines:
Videos must fall into the category of "Documentary", ​meaning a nonfiction story intended to document reality.
Videos must be a maximum of 1 minute in length.
Videos must either be in english or be able to be subtitled or versioned into English.
Winners will be decided based on:
50% social media engagement​
50% selection committee
Winners will be announced on May 1, 2019 via Instagram and Facebook and their videos will be featured at the GuitarBorn Project Showcase on May 5th, 2019.
Prizes will be paid out via cheque or e-transfer following the GuitarBorn Project Showcase on May 5th, 2019.
CONSENT. By entering the GuitarBorn Project Micro-Documentary Contest, each participant consents to the use by GuitarBorn Project of their names, city of residence, photograph, video, voice and/or image for publicity purposes in all media, without payment or compensation.