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Something about urgency.

I think it’s human nature to procrastinate. I don’t think it’s just me. But I remember in my university days, I always felt I got the best work and studying done when it was closer to the due date or exam date. There is something about that feeling of urgency when you closer to any target date that focuses your brain, energy and work ethic. It’s always been the case with me, and I’m sure I’m not the only one!

Because of availability, logistics and just preparation time, we’ve had to push the concert date out to May. It’s GREAT that we get the extra time to ensure we can make the proper preparations, but BAD that it gives me a reason to “relax” a little, even though this journey is anything BUT relaxing. It’s more like giving me an opportunity to prioritize on other things that I wouldn’t have if the concert were in February like originally planned. It’s a form of procrastination that doesn’t mean “slacking off” but procrastination nonetheless. I can’t afford to give in though if I want to perform the way I’m envisioning and also put on an amazing show all around!

I know the solution, but am afraid to commit to it. I need to have some kind of live performance every month leading up to the concert. FB live concert or something. Just friggin go for it! It will not only get me ready, but keep me laser focused till the end.

Breaking your goal into shorter term goals is the key to accomplish anything big. It’s less about making it manageable, but more about keeping you focused and locked in. Monthly rushes of urgency are a must!

-- Noel

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